Saturday, November 12, 2011

Movember...raise awareness, raise funds, wear a mo!!

It is that time of year again where all attention turns to raising funds for Movember...supporting the number one male cancer, prostrate cancer,  in Canada for men.  The campaign is run world wide ...donate, donate donate!

We have been working hard here to keep our end up, so to speak.  Our son Alun is a Mo Bro and growing his mustache updating the site weekly on his progress and our daughter Gayle is a Mo Sista both raising funds for prostrate cancer.  Go to either site to donate or view the pics.

I had thought about how I could help last year, other than a donation, to help raise funds and came up with a knitted version of a wasn't great but better than nothing to gather donations and get something in return.  I asked the Movember folks if they had any patterns for such things and they were able to find two different ones on the web.  I tried this out but found it very time consuming and cutting into fundraising time.  So I tried felting and came up with some serious hemp samples. 

Bling, hemp and felt staches

Heavy black felt mustaches in the works
I also cut some out of heavy black felt that worked okay and meant I could produce these much faster. 
Gayle came up with some designer wear staches and it took off from there and we have been making these ever since calling them "bling" staches. The demand is growing ( pardon the pun).

Take a "mo" and donate to this good cause.

Life is beautiful with bling or the real thing and supporting a great cause is much appreciated by so many!

1 comment:

Starry-eyed stitcher said...

Forgot to mention the lovely Cherries in the previous post. Well done - and hanging on the wall eh? Brilliant!
These moustaches are a really original fund raising idea. Irene xxx